Torquay Hotel Buying Consortium
The prime purpose of the Consortium is concerned with obtaining maximum discounts from suppliers for goods and/or services, which meet specified standards. However, general matters relating to the running of the hotels, such as wages, staffing, local standards and those relating to the tourism industry in general are also discussed at their monthly meetings.
When necessary, Members use the strength of the Consortium to lobby political leaders at local and national level to exert a combined influence on business and tourism matters.
Call us today to become a member!
Member Benefits
Members of the Torquay Hotel Buying Consortium meet once a month to discuss a range of different topics.
Benefits include:
- Sharing confidential information between members
- Obtaining preferential prices from suppliers
- Ability to ‘bulk buy’ together to get competitive prices (larger items such as beds or televisions)
- Seeing members’ hotels as meetings are held at a different location each month
- Sharing information on how levels of business are, forward bookings, budgets etc
- Valuable networking, good company and sharing problems!
There are many advantages in supplying the Consortium. All the hotels are well established and privately owned and all are professionally run by experienced hoteliers. They are also amongst the largest hotels in the area. As part of the Consortium rules all payment terms must be adhered to and the Consortium is keen to work with its suppliers in return for good quality goods at competitive prices. If you are interested in supplying the member hotels then please contact us directly.
South Devon
Whether you are planning a holiday to Devon or looking for an exciting day out, Devon has it all. Devon’s diverse countryside and coastline makes a fun filled holiday for all with its National Parks, rustic villages and towns, historic buildings and ruins, extreme sports and the best in food and drink.
There are plenty of hotels and restaurant to suit all budgets and taste. Please visit our hotels page to see some of the best the area has to offer.
About THBC
The Torquay Hotel Buying Consortium was set up in 1966 by a small group of independent hoteliers. The purpose of its creation was to discuss and compare costs currently faced by its members and try and combine forces to obtain competitive prices. Today the same ethos applies within the Consortium yet the challenges faced by members are very different from the 1960s and 70s.
The Consortium is well regarded by the companies who supply them and there is a strict code of how business is conducted which must be adhered to from all the members.
This in turn ensures competitiveness and loyalty from both parties. Meetings are held monthly in member hotels and potential suppliers are invited to contact us should they feel they have something to offer the Consortium.
Currently the Consortium represents thirteen ‘well-known larger hotels’ in Torquay and the surrounding area, plus five satellite Members owned by Torbay Hoteliers, with a combined guest capacity of over 2000 beds. The aim of the Consortium is ‘to assist Member Hotels in their purchasing arrangements, covering a wide range of commodities and services’. To facilitate this and cover running costs, each member pays a subscription, based on the number of hotel bedrooms.
The influence of the Consortium has increased particularly over the past decade. The computer and internet has facilitated ease of preparation and analysis to recommend to Members for decision-making. The Consortium has enabled a group of hoteliers to come together with tangible financial and business benefits that range from bulk purchases to mutually supportive strategic planning to the benefit of the industry and the resort.